Given the critical function of the cerebellum and spinal cord in movement and motor coordination, scientists often focus on these structures for therapeutic research. MuriPhys specializes in intraparenchymal (IPa) drug product delivery to the cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei, as well as other delivery methods such as intracerebroventricular (ICV), intrathecal (IT) and intra cisterna magna (ICM) that allow spinal cord and broader brain distribution. MuriPhys uses state-of-the-art stereotaxic robots that allows our expert surgeons to deliver any drug product with 1 µm accuracy into the brain. This ensures low variability between animals in a study and high reproducibility between studies, which save you lots of very precious time and money.
Ataxia is a neurological condition characterized by a lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements, leading to problems with gait, balance, and other motor functions. It can affect various parts of the body and primarily result from cerebellar or spinal damage/dysfunction.
To complement our CNS delivery MuriPhys offers behavioral tests and in vivo electrophysiology that encompass all aspects of the disease, including: